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Don't Squash the Possibilities

A humble vegetable, squash is likely not one of our most famed produce picks... but, did you know how versatile it is?!

It's simple, subtle flavor lends itself well in many recipes, and it can even be used to replace more "carb heavy" dishes! This is great news for those swapping out grains for a time or trying to amp up their vegetable intake!

Here are 4 of my favorite squashes and ways to use them:

Delicata (bottom left): slice, toss and bake with coconut oil, sea salt and cinnamon (or garlic if you want savory). Enjoy on top of a salad or beside an organic chicken breast!

Zucchini (bottom right): spiralize and top with fresh basil, cherry tomatoes and black olives for a pizza salad! Roast it with other veggies for a colorful, flavorful side dish (top left)!

Patty Pan: {these are SO cute!!} Slice smaller ones in half, season with sea salt, pepper, garlic and a pinch of turmeric and roast at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, then use like you would a hamburger bun!

How to use Patty Pan Squash

Spaghetti Squash (top right): Bake it and scoop out the "noodles" and toss with flavored extra virgin olive oil and fresh herbs... or be creative and jazz it up however you'd like!

Grain Free Cooking Ideas

I don't know about you, but I am so grateful God made squash! Remember, the simple things have their place and importance too...

Happy cooking, and may you flourish in soul and health!


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