Flourish All Year Long
What if each New Year rather than beginning a new diet, we treat ourselves to an upgrade in our lifestyle?
What if we took the pressure off and embraced healthy eating like a new adventure?
What if the stress and ultimatum of losing ___ pounds was replaced with appreciation for the unique body God has given us and a newfound joy to be healthy for life?
The truth is, we can flourish all year round.
Yes, it may be an uphill climb at first, but after a while, we start to get accustomed to the incline and the view distracts us from the energy being exerted. Healthy food begins to taste good (again), we start to get in a groove, perhaps a few pounds fall off... But then, there is usually a fork in the trail, and we can get off tack. The key is to return to the path that is leading you to the summit of greater health! Give yourself grace when you stumble or veer off, and remember your "why." Your "why" is like your compass that will help re-direct you. Writing your "why" and keeping your why visible is key- you can post it on your mirror, in a journal, vision board, etc. I love how Habakuk 2:2 says,
"Then the Lord answered me and said: 'Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.'" NKJV
Likewise, preparedness is essential.
Meal planning is an excellent tool to help you and your family continue with your healthy lifestyle. We also want to be prepared with healthy recipes and easy swaps for family favorites that may not be healthy. This is one main reason why my mom and I wrote Cook 2 Flourish- to encourage and equip families to enjoy their favorite foods using ingredients that help them flourish!

Wherever you are right now in your health journey, here are 3 keys to help you flourish all year long:
1. Write your why
2. Plan & Prepare
3. Breathe & embrace creativity
If you would like to learn more about healthy eating and how you and your family can enjoy healthier versions of your favorite foods, check out my Pinterest boards and Cook 2 Flourish Cookbook!
May this be the year that you truly flourish from the inside out!