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Walking By Faith {ebook}

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

Free Walking By Faith ebook

Here is the journey behind this journal ebook...

Whenever you feel like God has put something on your heart to do, be encouraged to commit that dream to Him and begin walking by faith, trusting Him to accomplish it in His way and in His timing...

In February God was impressing on me to create a series of video devotions that would be for a month of encouragement. Tri-pod out and devotions planned out, nearly 30 videos were recorded.

I got home and started uploading them, all to find out that only 8 of them were unmarred by wind noise. Disappointed, but hopeful that God would work something out, I resigned to the fact that more videos would need to be made.

The corona virus was on the banks of the nation and soon spread wide bringing gatherings to a halt and souls stranded. During a phone call with my dear friend Emily, she was praying, and I really felt the Holy Spirit give me an idea to start a Facebook community or platform of some sort to connect with other small business owners and encourage them during this uncertain time… You know a small community of likeminded people who can relate and lift each other up in prayer. After the delivery of the first video, I felt led to invite more than just my network of business friends… why not extend it to family friends, connections around the nation and their friends too?

It has been an amazing journey thus far, totally sustained by the grace of God and daily anointing of the Holy Spirit. I marvel at what God is doing in Believers all around as the Body of Christ is rising up by getting on our knees and being awakened to His call on our lives in such a time as this. Fifty days and counting...

Here we are, Lord, send us… use us daily for your glory. May we walk by faith, living in your light, and encouraging each other in your Word.

Grace, Joy & Love in Christ, Robin

New King James Version Bible Verse:

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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