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Focused 2 Flourish {ebook}

Each New Year is like a blank page in a

notebook, each word written is as a day

telling the story of our life.

Perhaps the beginning of this year is merely a bridge in the season you are in--

a continuation of what God is doing. This new year could symbolize a new door opening- one chapter concluding and a new one being penned.

It is a comfort that either way, God has

already recorded your days in His book.

He purposefully created you and ordained all your days before you ever opened your eyes.

We walk by faith and not by sight...

we say, Lord, Your will be done.

We say, Father God, continue the

work You’ve begun.

We seek Your face,

we need Your vision,

we rely on Your strength, and

we give You glory!

Give us the grace to be focused and

flourish in You, Lord!

Enjoy this New Year Devotional ebook!

Focused 2 Flourish
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